Introducing VALICO-UD, a linguistically annotated resource explicitly built for learner language research and Natural Language Processing tasks. This book aims at offering some insights to those interested in the computational side of learner language research. It describes the development and possible applications of VALICO-UD, a treebank including 2,234 learner sentences written by English, French, German, and Spanish native speakers, and 2,234 parallel, normalised sentences (target hypotheses), both annotated in Universal Dependencies (UD) formalism. The treebank comprises a gold standard section, featuring manually-corrected UD annotations and explicit error annotation, as well as a silver standard, automatically-annotated in UD and with implicit error annotation. Discover how to utilise VALICO-UD for computational investigation and enhance your language studies with this novel resource.
Di Nuovo is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Science Department,
University of Turin. She holds a PhD in Digital Humanities, which has allowed
her to delve into the fascinating research field of Computational Linguistics
and Natural Language Processing. In the last few years, she has had the
privilege to work in the Speech-to-Text Unit of the European Parliament and
publish papers in Computational Linguistics journals and conference
proceedings. She was also part of two teams that won the best performing team
award at two shared tasks on hate speech spreaders detection (PAN 2021) and
multilingual grammatical error detection (MultiGED 2023). Elisa Di Nuovo is
always eager to learn from her peers and mentors, as she continues to grow as a
researcher in this ever-evolving domain.
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